Partnering with Refcode

Refcode founder, Brenton Strine, teaching JavaScript

“I’m currently working as a floor manager at a furniture store. It’s decent pay, but it has long hours and a long commute. I’m exhausted all the time and I want a better future.”

“I’m a poultry production line worker at a chicken factory. The work is consistent, but it’s low paying without many options for advancement.”

“I pack boxes for Amazon shipments. Some days I’m on my feet for 10 hours. The work is easy, but repetitive. I’d like better opportunities to provide for my family.”

The Refcode Wednesday night coding class

These are some of the stories from students at Refcode, a non-profit organization that teaches coding skills to immigrants and refugees in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Those in the program came to the United States from countries like Syria, Iraq, Brazil, Korea, or Ethiopia. And in their home countries, they were graduate students, engineers, journalists, or lawyers. Yet when they came to the United States, it was difficult to transfer their education and skills to a comparable career, and many found themselves in low paying jobs that didn’t fully utilize their intelligence and abilities. Working with Refcode became a significant step on a journey towards a better career and a better life.

A Refcode student and volunteer teaching assistant

In March 2022, I flew out to Atlanta to help Refcode kick off a 10-week introductory coding class. Meeting one-on-one with a number of the students, I was inspired by their hopeful outlook and commitment to the work ahead. I was grateful that I could come alongside and help contribute to the good work Refcode has been doing in the community. While I was only able to be present in person for the first week, it was exciting to use modern technology to continue to support as a remote tutor and facilitator for the rest of the program.

As the overall program for GLAD Technology is just beginning to take shape, it was wonderful to see this similar work being done by others. And the impulse that drove me to found GLAD was validated: the need for communities that promote technology education is real!

Though GLAD and Refcode are a continent apart, our similar mission will continue to bring us together. I’ll be looking forward to more opportunities to partner with Refcode in the future.


GLAD’s First Coding Course!