Plans for Kenya 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of our next Kenya Coding Bootcamp, scheduled to begin this June. 

For those that have been following our work, you know that our program is not just about teaching coding skills; it's about empowering individuals with the tools they need to shape their futures and positively impact their communities. 

To make this dream a reality, we are seeking your support in raising $47,000 for our capacity campaign and securing sponsors for up to 30 students at $1,600 each. Your contribution can change lives and pave the way for a brighter future for these aspiring tech professionals.

Student Sponsorship

It costs us $1,600 per student to run our program. When compared to a program similar in the U.S., these funds go a long way!:

  • 10 weeks of full-time instruction: 9am-5pm classes every weekday

  • 10 weeks of hosted lodging and meals

  • Staffing to support our program: teaching assistants, a community life director, an on-site cook, facilities manager

  • A computer for every student. Not only will they use the computer throughout the program, they have the option to apply for a GLAD grant and take the computer with them at the end!

  • Guest lecturers leading students through topics such as StrengthsFinder, public speaking, and entrepreneurship.

  • Various activities throughout the program: hiking, swimming, team building games, and even a safari at a local conservancy!

This is a life-changing experience for each of our students. As we’ve shared before, local organizations and community members have told us, “There’s nothing like this in all of Kenya!” (I would also think you’d be hard-pressed to find something like this in the U.S. too!)

By sponsoring a student, you get the opportunity to make a real and significant impact in a young adult trying to break out of the vicious cycle of poverty. This learning makes such a difference - not only for them, but also for their family and community!

While we are looking for sponsors for each student, any amount of support is welcome! Your gift here will go directly into our student scholarship fund.

Capacity Campaign

In order to host up to 30 students, we need to build out our infrastructure. Raising $47,000 will allow not just improvements for our upcoming bootcamp, but it will allow us to host other camps and workshops throughout the rest of the year.

A new classroom tent that can accommodate up to 50 students: $10,000

Pictured above is our current tent that can only accommodate 24 students. Our new tent will not only be bigger, but a better quality canvas tent with decking underneath..

Electrical system upgrades to increase our solar array and battery storage: $10,000

Our current system can only hold a few hours of power. We are having to run our generator every day to continue to power our site.


Five more dormitory tents to house an additional 24 students: $10,000

Additional showers and bathrooms: $4,000

Improvements to our guest house: $5,000

Our guest house will give temporary lodging to visiting mentors, workshop leaders, and lecturers.


Furniture for dormitories and classroom: $5,000

Equipment to build out our campus network: $3,000


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